Visa interview day: key tips on what to do during your visa interview

On the day of your interview, you should arrive to the embassy or consulate no more than 15 minutes before the time you have been told to arrive.  Arriving earlier does not help you get into the embassy any earlier, and it will not help you get your visa issued.  

Be prepared to present yourself and your qualifications to the visa officer immediately upon stepping up to the interview window.  The visa interview begins as soon as the officer sees you, and everything you say is influencing the decision they will make.

Do not try to pass documents to the officer.  The visa officers absolutely do not want you to pass them documents that they have not asked for.  If you have an important document, you need to tell the officer the information that is contained in the document, and then offer to let them see it.

Don't give memorized responses.  You don't know what questions will be asked by the visa officer, so memorizing answers to questions is not as useful as you might think.  Plus, memorized answers sound scripted and disingenuous, and will not help you instill the confidence in the visa officer that they need in order to issue your visa.

The best way to prepare is to present your highlights, and prepare to defend against your hurdles. This is how you'll maximize your chances of success!

When ready, book a visa consultation with The #1 Team of Former U.S. Visa Officers here.

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